JAKARTA - There is something different from the leadership style of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) which was just inaugurated on December 16. The KPK has now immediately announced the suspects they have just named.
This can be seen in the announcement of the Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto as a suspect in a bribery case that also dragged Harun Masiku. Hasto was named a suspect after the investigation warrant (sprindik) issued on Monday, December 23 or the day before it was announced.
KPK chairman Setyo Budiyanto explained that the decision to announce the suspect shortly after the sprindik was issued was a form of the KPK maintaining its accountability.
"This is part of the responsibility of investigators, institutional accountability, KPK institutions, to be able to convey to the public about the activities that have been carried out," said Setyo at the KPK's Merah Putih building, Tuesday, December 24.
This is different from the previous leadership of the KPK, namely during the Firli Bahuri era as Chairman of the KPK. At that time, the KPK only announced the suspect along with the start of detention.
"This press conference was held. It used to be done at the same time as detention," said Setyo.
"Based on the current leadership policy in the context of accountability and accountability to the entire community, yes, as soon as the sprindik is made. We will not wait until the time the detention is announced," he added.
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