PARIGI MOUTONG - Pemerintah Kabupaten (Pemkab) Parigi Moutong, Sulawesi Tengah (Sulteng), mengatakan sekitar 3.555 jiwa atau 1.082 Kepala Keluarga (KK) terdampak banjir di Kecamatan Balinggi, kabupaten setempat.
"The Balinggi sub-district became the area that was severely affected by the hydrometeorological disaster on Monday (29/5) night," said Head of Emergency and Logistics Division of BPBD Parigi Moutong Amiruddin as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, May 30.
He explained that in the sub-district about 36 houses were affected, 24 of them were in Balinggi Village, seven in Suli Induk Village, and five units in Antasari Village, including five elementary schools were affected in Balinggi and Torue Districts.
Temporary data from the local BPBD, from that incident two houses were swept away by the flood, two houses were heavily damaged, five units were lightly damaged, and one house of worship suffered minor damage in Catru Karya Village.
"This incident claimed one death on behalf of Ni Ketut Kayun, the 70-year-old resident of Balinggi Jatih Village," he said.
He explained that the flood incident was triggered by the intensity of heavy rains that flushed the area on Monday (29/5) at around 16:00 WITA until the evening, as a result 14 villages were submerged in Balinggi and Torue sub-districts.
Reportedly, volunteers helped clean people's houses from mud material and the rest of the pieces of wood carried away by the current. Cleaning is also done using heavy equipment.
"One unit of heavy equipment has been deployed to normalize the river in Balinggi Village," he said.
Currently the urgent need for ready-to-eat food, they cannot cook because residents' houses are still submerged in mud material.
"Relawan terlibat saat ini TRC BPBD setempat, TNI/Polri, PMI, Tagana, dan pemerintah kecamatan setempat. Kami juga terus melakukan pembebaran informasi atau kaji cepat," katanya.
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