
JAKARTA - The Karangetang Volcano Observation Post, in Sitaro Islands Regency, North Sulawesi, monitors lava avalanches leading to a number of times that originate from the crater peak.

"We hope that residents do not violate the zone or area recommended by the Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation or PVMBG," said Head of PGA Karangetang Post, Yudia P Tatipang, Sunday, May 28.

Visually, Mount Karangetang is clearly visible to foggy, while crater smoke is not observed.

Lelehan lava lebih kurang 300 meter, sementara turunan mengarah ke Kali Batu Awang dan Kali dengan jarak gliding sekitar 1.000-1,500 meter.

Every now and then lava flows towards Batang, Timbelang River and West Beha River approximately 1,000 meters.

28 avalanches were recorded with an amplitude of ~5 millimeters for 38-156 seconds.

Meanwhile, from the observation report at 00.00 - 06.00 WITA, the condition of the mountain covered in fog with crater smoke was not observed.

Pos PGA Karangetang merekam sebanyak 29 kali gempa embutan dengan amplitudo antara 195 milimeter selama 50-185 detik.

"The activity level of Mount Karangetang is at level III or standby," he added.

People and visitors or tourists are expected not to approach, not to climb and not to do activities within the hazard forecast zone, namely a radius of 2.5 kilometers from the crater peak of two and the main crater and sectoral expansion area to the southwest, south, and southeast as far as 3.5 kilometers.

The public is expected to be aware of avalanches of lava and hot clouds avalanches that can occur at any time from the previous buildup of lava material because its condition is unstable and easily collapsed, especially to the south, southeast, west and southwest sectors.

People living around the banks of rivers that originate from the summit of Mount Karangetang are invited to increase preparedness from the potential threat of rain lava and flash floods that can flow to the beach.

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