JAKARTA - Shophouse owners (ruko) in Pluit Karang Niaga, Penjaringan, North Jakarta closed the water because their business was related to the sale of food and drinks.
The owner of the shophouse Koko Hawker Vincent said he was worried that many animals would rise from waterways such asbags, mice, and others.
"It will definitely make buyers reluctant to come. In addition, the waterways are also closed so as not to emit an unpleasant aroma," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, May 23.
The owner of the shophouse and other restaurants, Boedi Wijaya, said that his party together with the shop owner asked for the demolition to be carried out by the North Jakarta City Government and the ranks to be carried out slowly so as not to make their businesses lose money.
On Monday (22/5), the sale of his Leong Seng Kitchen restaurant only generated IDR 300 thousand in revenue.
In the past week, visitors were also quiet, while their employees were still working and had to be paid.
"Please give wisdom from the mayor, governor, since the days of Jakpro, everything has been closed," said Boedi.
Boedi admitted that his party had indeed violated Government Regulation Number 21 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Spatial Planning and was ready if ordered to dismantle the building that violated it.
However, this demolition is not enough for four days, considering that 42 shophouses in the Karang Niaga Pluit Ruko complex intend to make a living and many of their employees, said Boedi, the number could reach thousands of people.
The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government confirmed that it will continue to dismantle the shophouse building in Pluit, Penjaringan, North Jakarta on Wednesday (24/5) because the grace period given for four days since Friday (19/5) has ended on Tuesday (23/5).
The demolition will be carried out based on the issuance of a Technical Recommendation Letter (Rekomtek) from the North Jakarta Cipta Karya, Spatial Planning and Land Sub-dept.
Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono said that the demolition was carried out as a form of law enforcement in Article 14 of Regional Regulation (Perda) Number 7 of 1991 concerning Buildings within the Special Capital Region of Jakarta.
Article 14 of Perda 7/1991 states that every building that does not meet the provisions as stated in the building permit and/or uses a building, must be demolished or adjusted so that it meets the provisions in this Regional Regulation.
"There are several shophouses that have been dismantled. Those that have not yet (tomorday) will have law enforcement (dismantling based on regional regulations)," said Heru after reviewing public health service facilities at the Pademangan District Health Center, North Jakarta, Tuesday.
Meanwhile, North Jakarta Mayor Ali Maulana Hakim said, based on a temporary report until Tuesday morning there were still shophouses that had not dismantled their buildings because it was reasoned that Saturday and Sunday it was difficult to find workers who could dismantle them during the weekend holidays.
Nevertheless, Ali said, no further dispensation was given to the shop owner after the grace period for self-dismantling ended this Tuesday.
"No (there is a dispensation), tomorrow we will dismantle it. That doesn't mean we will dismantle everything. But later they will continue," said Ali.
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