JAKARTA - DPR Speaker Puan Maharani visited the Meeting, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions (MICE) Golo Mori area in Golo Mori Village, West Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara which has become a Special Economic Zone (KEK). Puan's visit was carried out on the sidelines of her presence at the ASEAN Summit 2023.
Puan's presence was welcomed by the President Director of ITDC MICE Golo Mori, Ari Respati and his staff, Wednesday, May 10. SEZ Golo Mori is in the development of ITDC (Indonesia Tourism Development Corporation).
Together with the ITDC ranks, Puan toured the development of the MICE Golo Mori development. Later, the place will become an integrated sustainable tourism area.
"KEK Golo Mori can strengthen tourism infrastructure in Labuan Bajo. That way the tourism potential in this area will increase and clear land for local MSMEs to develop their business," said Puan.
MICE Golo Mori has various kinds of luxury facilities, such as convention hall, VVIP lobby, VVIP lounge, media center, amphitheater, observation deck, beach club and wooden dock. Puan also reminded that ITDC does not only focus on major infrastructure development.
"This includes prioritizing supporting facilities which will make it easier for tourists to visit the Golo Mori SEZ," said the first woman to serve as Chair of the DPR RI.
"Because adequate infrastructure can help increase efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness in facing global challenges," continued Puan.
He added that quality supporting infrastructure can also affect the quality of life of the local community and the attractiveness of tourist destinations. Puan then encouraged local communities to be involved in the development of MICE Golo Mori.
The development of the Golo Mori SEZ can open up opportunities for people in NTT. Not only in terms of human resources or personnel in its construction, but also through the involvement of local MSMEs, both goods and services. In the end, it will have a positive impact on the regional economy," he explained.
According to Puan, the benefits of developing tourist destinations must be able to produce economic and social benefits for the community and the local environment. This advantage must also be felt fairly and evenly.
"For this reason, it is necessary to collaborate between the government, entrepreneurs, and the local community in developing sustainable tourism which can provide long-term benefits," said Puan.
While reviewing the construction of MICE Golo Mori, Puan had met representatives from the ASEAN Youth Standing Committee (YTC) as part of the 42nd ASEAN Summit. SEZ Golo Mori itself was used as the venue side event of the ASEAN 2023 Summit.
Puan then invited YTC representatives from Indonesia to have a warm conversation. The majority of them are students.
How does it feel to be able to join the ASEAN Summit, meet young people from state representatives in Southeast Asia. Then what are the conditions? asked Puan to be greeted with various answers from the ASEAN YTC participants.
One of the ASIAN YTC representatives, Indah expressed her joy to meet Puan.
"I'm very proud to be able to meet Mrs. Puan Maharani. She is very kind, very friendly, so I am very happy," said Indah.
The student of the eLBajo Polytechnic, Commodus NTT, also advised the DPR RI. Indah hopes that all members of the council will continue to listen to the aspirations of the people.
"What is certain is that the House of Representatives will continue to work properly and continue to work for the people. Stay with the people and always be victorious for members of the DPR throughout Indonesia," he said.
In the side event of the ASEAN Summit, YTC representatives in ASEAN exchanged ideas about how young people play a role in advancing Southeast Asia, especially in the use of digital technology. In addition, they were given the opportunity to plant trees as a form of manifestation of the green economy in Southeast Asia.
At the previous meeting of the Secretary General of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) Siti Rozaimeriyanty Dato Haji Abdul Rahman, Puan expressed her support for the Youth Standing Committee, a committee under AIPA. According to him, the Youth Standing Committee can advance the quality of the younger generation regarding the use and digital technology.
"This committee will accommodate the active participation of young people in the development of ASEAN. The goal is to gather ideas, opinions and aspirations of young people who are future leaders," said Puan.
Puan also emphasized the importance of youth participation in Southeast Asia in every resolution that will be initiated by Youth Standing Committee. He encouraged the idea of the committee to be adopted in the 44th AIPA General Assembly which will be held on August 5-10, 2023 in Jakarta.
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