The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police will include the name Mahendra Dito Sampurno alias Dito Mahendra in the wanted list (DPO). This is because he was never present on the agenda of investigating as a suspect in the alleged illegal possession of firearms (senpi).
"Furthermore, investigators will issue a DPO," said Director of General Crimes at Bareskrim Polri Brigadier General Djuhandhani Raharjo Puro when confirmed, Tuesday, May 2.
Then, the investigative team will also coordinate with Immigration. The goal is to ask for the issuance of a silt (local) for Dito Mahendra.
The inspection was carried out to prevent Dito Mahendra from escaping abroad. So, his whereabouts can be found immediately.
"We have coordinated with the immigration authorities and several airlines, but we have not found the person concerned carrying out the flight," he said.
Although until now Dito Mahendra has never shown his nose to provide information, continued Djuhandhani, investigators will dig up information from other parties to prove the alleged ownership of the illegal senpi.
This can be done because it is in accordance with the Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP) and other laws and regulations.
"Whether it's an attempt to summon someone close to the person concerned or make other forced efforts," said Djuhandhani.
Previously, Dito Mahendra was deemed indiscriminate in dealing with cases of alleged illegal possession of firearms. This is because he has never fulfilled the examination, both at the investigation and investigation stage.
"Brother Dito to this day does not have ethics either to fulfill the invitation during the investigation or summon investigators as witnesses twice or to summon suspects," said Djuhandhani.
During the investigation process, Dito Mahendra did not fulfill the summons for examination as a witness twice. Even after being a suspect.
In fact, on the previous occasion, the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police had issued the name Dito Mahendra as a fugitive if he was not present at the examination today.
Currently, Dito Mahendra is a suspect in the case of ownership of 9 illegal rifles. Because, an official ownership permit was found.
Firearms that were declared illegal include a Clock 17, S&W Revolver, a 19 Zev Clock pistol, and an Angstatd Arms pistol.
Then, the Noveske Reflections, AK 101, the Heckler & Koch G 36 rifle, the Heckler & Koch MP 5 pistol, and the Walther air rifle.
In this case, Dito Mahendra is threatened with life imprisonment or 20 years. Dito can be charged with Emergency Law number 12 of 1951.
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