
JAKARTA - British Foreign Secretary James Cleverly has urged China to be more transparent about what he called the largest military build-up in peacetime history, saying the secrecy surrounding its plans could lead to "tragic miscalculations."

Relations between Britain and China are currently at their worst in decades, after London restricted Chinese investment related to national security issues, expressed concern over Beijing's increasing military and economic assertiveness.

In his speech at Mansion House in London on Tuesday, Cleverly said Britain should engage "strongly and constructively" with China, despite what he called "revulsion" at the treatment of Uighurs in Xinjiang.

While on the issue of the warning about Taiwan's future, Cleverly said that attacking the island would destroy world trade and China.

Cleverly's speech is the clearest attempt to explain Britain's approach to China under Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, who said last year that the so-called "golden era" of relations under former Prime Minister David Cameron had ended.

Unlike French President Emmanuel Macron's efforts to distance Europe from any involvement in the Taiwan conflict, Cleverly said "no country can protect itself from the impact of war in Taiwan."

Foreign Secretary Cleverly said Britain is open to deepening cooperation with allies in the Indo-Pacific, calling on China to clarify its military intentions.

"I urge China to be equally open about the doctrine and intentions behind its military expansion, as transparency is certainly in everyone's interest, and secrecy can only increase the risk of tragic miscalculations", said Foreign Secretary Cleverly, as quoted by Reuters on April 26.

China claims self-ruled Taiwan as its own and will not rule out the use of force to ensure the reunification of the territory. Beijing also said it will defend its territorial sovereignty, maritime rights, and interests.

Regarding this matter, the Chinese Embassy in London did not respond to requests for comment.

While leaders of France, Germany, and Spain have visited China in the past six months, calling for engagement with the world's second-largest economy, the US and UK have taken a tougher approach to what they see as Beijing's growing threat to their interests and values.

Britain itself is seeking to limit the national security threat posed by China while engaging in areas such as trade.

The annual foreign secretary's speech at Mansion House usually highlights various foreign policy issues.

However, Cleverly's speech, apart from some brief statements about the evacuation of Sudan and Ukraine, focused solely on China, which the Foreign Ministry said was an acknowledgment of its "great significance" for global affairs.

Cleverly, who hopes to visit China this year, said it would be a mistake to isolate China, with Beijing's involvement needed in areas such as climate change, pandemic prevention, economic stability, and nuclear proliferation.

"It would be clear and easy – perhaps even satisfying – for me to declare a new Cold War. Clear, easy, satisfying, and wrong", he said, implying that conflict was not an option.

However, Cleverly said Britain would protect its national security interests and call out Beijing if it violates its international obligations or human rights.