The Puncak Jaya Police are investigating a hostage-taking case by a group of residents in Mewuluk District, Puncak Jaya Regency, Central Papua against three motorcycle taxi drivers.
The Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police, Kombes Ignatius Benny Prabowo, admitted that although the three motorcycle taxi drivers had been released safely, the Criminal Investigators were still investigating the case.
The three motorcycle taxi drivers who have been held hostage since Monday (24/4), namely SY (18), H (35) and B (25), then Tuesday afternoon they were released after the district apparatus and the community met with the carrier group.
The hostage-taking of the three motorcycle taxi drivers began after they took passengers and foodstuffs from Mulia to Mewoluk, which was then intercepted by OTK.
From the results of the temporary investigation, it is suspected that the incident was related to social assistance funds for the period March 2023 from the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs to local communities that were not distributed by the district head.
"Currently, the Puncak Jaya Police have summoned three district heads, namely the Mewoluk, Molanime and Lumo district heads for questioning," said Benny.
Kombes Benny said, after being released, the three motorcycle taxi drivers immediately underwent a medical examination and after being declared healthy they were immediately questioned by investigators.
"To avoid a repeat of similar incidents, the Puncak Jaya Police have appealed and warned motorcycle taxi drivers not to pick up passengers in areas far from the city," said Kombes Benny.
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