JAKARTA - The National Awakening Party (PKB) confirmed the invitation of the National Mandate Party (PAN) to hold a meeting as well as a gathering with President Joko Widodo and the general chairmen of the coalition coalition supporting the government.
Deputy Chairperson of PKB Jazilul Fawaid said that General Chairperson Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin would attend the meeting agenda which was planned to be held at the PAN DPP Office, Jakarta, on Sunday, April 2.
"There has been an invitation, Gus Muhaimin plans to attend but he doesn't know yet. Tomorrow is the 2nd, Sunday," said Jazilul at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Friday, March 31.
Jazilul does not yet know the topic of the chat that will be discussed at the meeting the day after tomorrow. But what is certain, he said, is that PKB hopes that the gathering which will be attended by political parties will bring peace ahead of the 2024 General Election.
Jazilul also appreciated PAN's invitation which he called an agile party. Especially if parties outside of government supporters are also present.
"PAN is one of the agile ones, so if you are agile in inviting them, then you will see what the agility is, the goal doesn't know yet. But what is clear is that we respect PAN and parties who really want peaceful elections based on the spirit of togetherness," said Jazilul.
"So invite all party leaders. I don't know whether Pak SP (Surya Paloh) was invited or not, or PKS. If you're not invited, it means you haven't been together yet," he added.
To note, PAN will hold meetings as well as gatherings with President Joko Widodo and general chairmen of coalition political parties supporting the government such as PDIP, Golkar, Gerindra, PKB, NasDem and PPP on Sunday, April 2.
In the pamphlet circulating, there is a picture of the Chairman of PAN Zulkifli Hasan with the words 'Silaturahmi Ramadan with the President of the Republic of Indonesia'.
PAN Deputy Viva Yoga Mauladi revealed that the agenda was just a gathering while being friendly with Jokowi and coalition parties supporting the government.
"There are ordinary talks, while being friendly, discussing, and dialogue about the nation's future," said Viva.
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