
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) revealed that state losses due to alleged corruption in the distribution of social assistance (bansos) for beneficiary families of the Family Hope Program (PKH) at the Ministry of Social Affairs are estimated at hundreds of billions. Currently, the calculation is still being carried out.

"So far it's temporary, yes, while waiting for the complete data from the competent institution to calculate it, yes, it's around hundreds of billions," said Head of KPK Reporting Section Ali Fikri to journalists, Thursday, March 16.

The KPK is still waiting for the final results of the tally. Moreover, in this case, they applied Article 2 or Article 3 of the Corruption Law.

"So it is related to (alleged, red) state losses," he said.

As previously reported, the KPK is currently investigating allegations of corruption in the distribution of rice social assistance at the Ministry of Social Affairs. This criminal incident allegedly occurred around 2020-2021.

Although the suspects have not been announced yet, the former managing director of PT Transjakarta, M. Kuncoro Wibowo, is reportedly involved. The Directorate General of Immigration at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights has prevented him from going abroad for six months until next August.

Apart from Kuncoro, the anti-corruption commission also asked five other people to be prevented. It was reported that they were also named as suspects.

Those prevented were Budi Susanto, April Churniawan, Ivo Wongkaren, Roni Ramdani, and Richard Cahyanto. Kuncoro, Budi, and April are parties from PT Bhanda Ghara Reksa (BGR) while the rest are from PT Primalayan Teknologi Persada.

Meanwhile, PT BGR is one of the distributors of the Ministry of Social Affairs' program of rice social assistance. The state-owned company was tasked with distributing 222,070,230 kilograms of social assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs to 4,934,894 beneficiary families of the PKH program in the country.

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