
JAKARTA - A group of online motorcycle taxi (ojol) drivers who are members of the People's Association for the Use of the Transportation Service (Predator) have threatened to hold another demonstration at the DKI Jakarta City Hall.

This was in response to the statement by the Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, who canceled the withdrawal of the Draft Regional Regulation (Raperda) on Electronic Traffic Control (PL2SE) which regulates electronic road pricing (ERP) or a paid road system in DKI.

This ojol group, some time ago, raided the DKI Jakarta City Hall and the DKI Jakarta DPRD building to express their rejection of the ERP.

"Regarding the Provincial Government's statement that it canceled the draft regional regulation regarding ERP from DPRD, we will monitor it and be ready to take to the streets. Action Predator volume 3 will invite elements of the people's movement outside ojol such as laborers and others," said Predator representative, Afvid, to reporters. , Tuesday, February 14th.

Afvid emphasized that his party firmly refused to implement the ERP, even if the Pemprov DKI reviewed the basic regulations by involving input from their group.

Moreover, at the demonstration on Wednesday, February 8 in front of the DKI City Hall yesterday, the Head of the DKI Transportation Agency made a statement in front of the ojol crowd that the DKI Pemprov will withdraw the PL2SE Raperda which has now entered the DPRD DKI regional regulation formation program (propemperda).

"We have strong evidence regarding the statement of the Kadishub, Mr. Syafrin, on a command car and witnessed by thousands of online drivers who recorded his statement that he would withdraw the Raperda ERP from the DPRD. We hope that the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government will be consistent with the words conveyed by the Kadishub to withdraw the Raperda ERP, " he insisted.

On Monday, February 13, the Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, now admitted that his party has no plans to withdraw the PL2SE Raperda draft from the DKI Jakarta DPRD.

In fact, previously Syafrin said that he would withdraw the Raperda regulating ERP implementation from the discussion of the Regional Regulation Formation Agency (Bapemperda) DPRD DKI.

"Once again, it's not a withdrawal. We will communicate with the council (DPRD) because it's still being discussed at the council," said Syafrin at the DKI Jakarta City Hall, Monday, February 13.

Syafrin explained that the procedure for reviewing ERP regulations by DKI Pemprov does not mean withdrawing the Raperda from the regional regulation formation program (propemperda).

Before discussions on the PL2SE Raperda proceed to the DPRD, said Syafrin, the DKI Pemprov will examine in detail the articles that are being disputed by the community, especially the ojol group which has held several demonstrations against the ERP.

"The existing draft will then be communicated again by involving all stakeholders to get input. The input will be reviewed, if it becomes urgent for arrangements to be made in the draft regional regulations for electronic traffic control," explained Syafrin.

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