
JAKARTA – The status of Hasya Athallah as a suspect in the accident that caused his death has attracted the attention of many parties. After the University of Indonesia Alumni Association (ILUNI), now the Indonesian Police Strategic Studies Institute (Lemkapi) has spoken out.

Lemkapi Executive Director Dr. Edi Hasibuan asked that the polemic over an accident involving a student at the University of Indonesia (UI) and a retired National Police be resolved fairly.

"The determination of the suspect by Metro Jaya Police was not wise and hasty because it did not pay attention to the psychological condition of the victim's family," said Edi, as quoted from Antara, Sunday, January 29.

Previously, in this case, the victim Hasya Attalah who rode a motorbike died and became a suspect, while a retired National Police who drove a car became a witness.

To avoid the emergence of various speculations of negative accusations against the Police, Edi suggested that investigators from the Traffic Directorate of Metro Jaya Police should invite both parties to re-mediation.

He said that in resolving this case, there were unresolved issues between the victim's family and retired National Police Eko Setia. As a result, this case has become stagnant even though Metro Jaya Police has held cases three times.

"In a stalemate situation, it is very unfortunate that Metro Jaya Police has even issued a suspect status against the victim," he said.

He understands that the determination of the suspect against the victim who died is very painful for the victim's family.

According to him, the designation of the victim as a suspect naturally raises various speculations in society.

"Moreover, the people involved here are retired police officers and it is perceived by the public as if they are taking advantage. This makes the public view the police as unprofessional," he said.

Edi understands the commitment of investigators who want to resolve this case so that it can be resolved quickly and have legal certainty.

In resolving this case, he said, it takes a big soul from each party so that this traffic accident case is finished.

"In particular, for this retired police officer to have proper care to reduce the suffering faced by the families of these students," he said.

He believes that Metro Jaya Police will be able to resolve this accident case fairly.

The accident occurred on Srengseng Sawah Street, South Jakarta, on October 6, 2022.

Metro Jaya Police Traffic Director Kombes Pol Latif Usman said in Jakarta, Friday (27/1) that his party had issued an Investigation Termination Warrant (SP3) for this case because the suspect died.

Latif said the driver of the Pajero car could not be made a suspect because he was driving a vehicle in its lane.

"The car he was driving did not go out of the way, instead the two-wheeled driver seized the road from the four-wheeler," said Latif.

Latif said that at the time of the incident, the victim's motorbike, which was traveling from the south to the north, braked suddenly to avoid a vehicle that was turning right.

"At the same time, a four-wheeled vehicle came heading from north to south, causing a collision at the scene," Latif said.

Latif also explained that the reason the victim was made a suspect was that he was the cause of the accident.

"Because of the negligence of the victim when riding a motorbike, he took his own life," said Latif.

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