
KALTIM - A patient with a brain hemorrhage at a hospital in Balikpapan did not receive proper care because his Indonesian Health Card (KIS) was not active. The patient named Sutrisno (45) died.

Commission IV DPRD City of Balikpapan immediately summoned hospital leaders and local BPJS Health to respond to the incident experienced by the patient, a resident of RT 19, Margo Mulyo Village, West Balikpapan.

"We want incidents like this not to happen again, also so that there is a common understanding in providing services to the community," said the Chairperson of Commission IV DPRD City of Balikpapan, Doris Ryan Desyanto, Tuesday, January 18, quoted by Antara.

Doris admitted that Commission IV of the Balikpapan City DPRD had visited the Pertamina Balikpapan Hospital (RSPB), which was the last health facility for Sutrisno to be treated until he died on Saturday, January 14, 2023

Prior to going to RSPB, Sutrisno was taken by his family to the Beriman Balikpapan Regional General Hospital (RSUD). After being hospitalized for several days, Sutrisno was allowed to go home and asked to return for control.

According to Doris, Sutrisno's case was allegedly the result of a miscommunication between the hospital and BPJS Kesehatan, namely that the KIS in question was no longer active.

"From the information we received, the first stage has been served at the emergency room (ER) henceforth because the KIS card is dead, so a guarantee of IDR 10 million is requested. Previously, he was also reported to be seeking treatment at the Beriman Hospital," said Doris.

Confirmed separately, the Director of RSPB dr. M N. Khairuddin emphasized that all hospitals already have standard procedures for handling emergencies, including at the Pertamina Balikpapan Hospital. That is, when a patient comes in without seeing their status and all kinds, the emergency measures are handled first.

"Like Sutrisno's case, for two hours all examinations have been carried out, actions have also been carried out, CT scans have been carried out," he explained.

In addition, he said that the condition of patient Sutrisno when he came to the hospital had deteriorated so that when he wanted to be transferred (moved) to the room he could not, let alone to be transferred to another hospital.

"All efforts to stabilize it have been carried out in the RSPB emergency room," he stated.

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