
BANGKA BELITUNG - Banser Nadhatul Ulama (NU) Belitung Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province, will guard the Christmas Eve celebrations at several regional churches so that it runs safely, smoothly, and conducive.

The Head of the Coordinating Unit for the Belitung Banser Branch, Rorey Triasyahputra, said the guarding activity was a form of tolerance and inter-religious harmony.

"Securing Christmas Eve in Belitung by Banser is a form of tolerance and inter-religious harmony", he said at Tanjung Pandan, Antara, Friday, December 23.

General Chairperson of GP Ansor who is also the Minister of Religion, Yaqut Cholil Qoumas, gave directions so that Banser could help secure Christmas Eve 2022 in each region.

Triasyahputra added as many as 30 Belitung Banser personnel will later be deployed and placed in several churches in the area.

He said each church would later be assigned as many as three to four members of the Belitung Banser.

"We will deploy Banser members to several churches in the Tanjung Pandan sub-district to secure Christmas Eve", he said.

He said security and guarding the church was not only carried out on Christmas Eve but continued until a series of other Christmas celebration activities.

"We hope that Christmas and New Year 2023 in Belitung will run safely and conducive", he said.

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