
JATIM - The Tulungagung District Court (PN) has examined land and building assets as the object of a dispute between the Tulungagung Regency Government (Pemkab) and business actors. Currently being examined ahead execution.

The land and building are in dispute with a number of business actors who rent shop houses in the Belga supermarket shop complex on Agus Salim Street, Kenayan Village, Tulungagung, East Java (East Java).

"This activity is a series of stages of execution," said Tulungagung District Court Registrar, Putra Sapta, in Tulungagung, East Java, as quoted from Antara, Wednesday, November 10.

The examination was carried out with the Legal Division team of the Tulungagung Regency Government.

Putra ensured that the execution would be carried out in the near future. This is if the parties related to land and building disputes do not have a common ground to resolve the polemic together.

The court has actually sent two written warning letters, but the shophouse tenants have not heeded it.

Therefore, the stage is continued with the examination of the object of the case before the forced execution is carried out.

"This is a two-time warning with no results, we will continue with constellating or examining the object of the case," said Sapta.

The examination of the object of the case was carried out because the lawsuit was carried out three years ago, so there is the potential for damage or changes.

In the Belga shophouse complex, there are 36 shop houses. The examination was carried out for two days. "Today 19 objects, tomorrow 17 objects," he explained.

The results of the examination will be submitted to the applicant, in this case, the Tulungagung Regency Government. Furthermore, coordination will be carried out to prepare for the execution of the 10,450 m² lands. "That's why we coordinated first," he said.

Sapta continued that during this examination period there could be a family settlement between the litigants.

In later execution, all items in the shop must be removed.

In addition to the execution of the shophouses, the Tulungagung District Court will also execute the payment of arrears for rent or compensation of IDR 22 billion.

If you are unable to pay the rent arrears, asset tracking will be carried out.

The tenant's assets will be confiscated for payment of rent that is in arrears or has not been paid.

The head of the Legal Division of the Tulungagung Regional Secretariat, Catur Hermono, admitted that he had coordinated with the security forces to prepare for the execution.

"We have also coordinated with the local government internally for security from the Satpol PP, which is coordinating with the Police and the TNI," explained Catur.

As for the execution schedule, it is entirely up to the Court. However, he emphasized that this year, Belga Shop house could be executed.

The Tulungagung Regency Government Immediately Executes Belga Land, No later than December 2022.

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