JAKARTA - Papua Governor Lukas Enembe has denied allegations of paying certain groups to become his sympathizers. He admitted that the Papuans who guarded his house in Jayapura until they blocked the road acted voluntarily.
"We didn't call. Everyone came by themselves," said Lukas through his attorney, Tuesday, October 25.
Lukas confirmed that he would cooperate in waiting for the presence of an independent team of doctors from the KPK and the Executive Board of the Indonesian Doctors Association (PB IDI). Moreover, later they will come with one of the leaders of the anti-corruption commission.
Law enforcement officers will certainly be on guard. Thus, their arrival will not experience any problems even though Lukas claims to have never committed an act of corruption.
"The Pangdam also stated that he was ready to secure the arrival of KPK investigators," he said.
Lukas claims, all of his work is focused on taking care of the community. He never felt that he had accepted bribes or other abusive practices.
This Democrat Party politician feels slandered over the determination of the suspect by the KPK. "What did I rob?" Lukas asked.
"I take care of my people, not robbing," he continued.
As previously reported, the KPK confirmed that it would dispatch its doctors who are members of the PB IDI independent team to Jayapura. They will check the health of Lukas Enembe, who is now a suspect in a corruption case.
In addition to dispatching an independent team, it is planned that a leader will also meet Lukas. However, it has not been decided who will go there.
For information, Lukas Enembe has been named a suspect by the KPK. However, the case against him has not been detailed.
Lukas will actually be questioned on Monday, September 26 at the KPK's Merah Putih building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta. However, the examination was not carried out because Lukas claimed to be sick and could not provide information.
Furthermore, the KPK will again make calls that have not been informed for sure. Lukas was asked to cooperate in fulfilling the summons of the KPK investigators because his statement was needed to make clear the allegations of corruption that occurred.
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