
BANTEN - Banten Police evacuated residents affected by the flood disaster in Bayah District, Lebak Regency, Sunday, October 9, at around 16.30 WIB.

The Lebak Police Chief, AKBP Wiwin Setiawan, said that his party evacuated flood victims until the evening when it was still raining with moderate intensity.

They were officers evacuating floods in Suwakan Village, Bayah District, up to dozens of houses with a water level of about one meter.

"The flood that hit Bayah District was due to the overflow of the Cimandur River," he said in Lebak, Banten, Sunday, October 10, quoted from Antara.

AKBP Wiwin said, apart from evacuating, his party also recorded the victims and the damage caused by the flood.

Currently, people affected by the flood are experiencing material losses, such as household furniture and other goods.

However, AKBP Wiwin ensured that the flood that hit Bayah did not cause any casualties.

"We are currently coordinating with the local Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) to deal with the flood disaster," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of the Lebak Regency BPBD Febby Rizky Pratama said floods hit four sub-districts in the area after heavy rain accompanied by lightning and strong winds.

The four sub-districts that were flooded include Bayah, Panggarangan, Cibeber, and Cilograng sub-districts.

Floods that hit four sub-districts in the southern region of Lebak Regency were caused by the overflowing of the Cibareno River and Cimanyak River after being hit by heavy rain accompanied by lightning and strong winds.

Based on temporary information from volunteers in the field, flooding that hit four sub-districts is estimated to be 100 houses flooded in 11 villages.

"We hope that the flooding in the four sub-districts will not cause any casualties," he said.

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