
JAKARTA - Indonesia calls for the need for a world order based on a new paradigm at the 77th UN General Assembly (SMU), reflecting on the current worrisome global condition of the world.

"The current conditions are very worrying: a prolonged pandemic, the world economy is still dark, war which is no longer a possibility, but a reality, and violations of international law that have become the norm for the benefit of some. Crisis also comes one after another, from food, energy, to climate change. The world should unite to overcome it, but unfortunately, the world is divided, making it difficult for us to try to overcome this condition," Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi said Monday at the UN headquarters, New York, United States, citing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs information on September 27.

"Indonesia offers a world order based on a new paradigm. The paradigm is win-win, not zero-sum. The paradigm is embracing, not influencing (containment). The paradigm is collaboration, not competition. This is the transformative solution we need," she added.

This new paradigm is important for several reasons. First, to rekindle the spirit of peace.

Lack of trust between countries (trust deficit) triggers hatred and fear, which can lead to conflict. This is happening in various parts of the world. For this reason, the trust deficit must be converted into a strategic trust.

Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi at the 77th UN General Assembly. (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia/Andi Barus)

She added that the paradigm of collaboration must be the spirit of the United Nations. An inclusive approach must be put forward, where the voices of all countries are treated equally.

"The sound of each country, large and small, must be heard at the UN forum. Therefore, it is necessary to reform the United Nations and reform multilateralism so that it is in accordance with the demands of the times," she said.

"I believe by working together and adopting a new paradigm, we can create a better world for all. Now is no longer the time for us to just talk. Now is the time for us to do what we say," concluded Foreign Minister Retno.

"This must begin with respect for international law. The principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity cannot be negotiated. These principles must always be enforced. Peaceful resolution must be the only solution for each conflict," said Foreign Minister Retno.

She added that this new paradigm must also be applied to make breakthroughs in overcoming the Palestinian and Afghan issues.

Foreign Minister Retno ensured that Indonesia would continue to be with Palestine in its struggle for independence. As for Afghanistan, Indonesia is committed to helping fight for the rights and access to education for women in Afghanistan.

Second, to generate our responsibility for global recovery. Currently, global solidarity is becoming more cessating. Trading discrimination occurs everywhere, as well as the monopoly of global supply chains. Global economic governance is used for the benefit of a strong country.

Therefore, the world hopes for the G20, said Foreign Minister Retno.

"The G20 must not fail as a catalyst for world recovery. We must not allow global recovery to be held hostage by geopolitical purposes," she said.

Foreign Minister Retno further explained that a new paradigm is also needed to achieve the 2030 Development Agenda and combat climate change.

Third, a new paradigm is needed to strengthen regional partnerships.

Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi at the 77th UN General Assembly. (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia/Andi Barus)

Regional architecture should not be used to define and identify certain countries. Regional architecture must be able to support efforts to maintain peace and stability, not actually endanger it.

"ASEAN is an example where the paradigm of collaboration is always put forward. With that spirit, Indonesia will lead ASEAN as Chair next year. Indonesia is committed to strengthening the unity and centrality of ASEAN so that ASEAN remains important for the people, regions, and the world," she explained.

According to Foreign Minister Retno, ASEAN must also take the situation seriously in Myanmar. Indonesia is very concerned about the lack of Myanmar's military commitment in implementing the Five-Point Consensus.

"ASEAN must continue to advance and be unaffected by the situation in Myanmar. Support from the international community, especially neighboring Myanmar, is very important to restore democracy in Myanmar," said Foreign Minister Retno.

She added that the collaboration paradigm must be the spirit of the United Nations. An inclusive approach must be promoted, where the voices of all countries are treated equally.

"The voice of every country, big or small, must be heard in UN forums. Therefore, UN reform and renewal of multilateralism are needed to suit the demands of the times," she said.

"I believe that by working together and adopting a new paradigm, we can create a better world for all. Now is not the time for us to just talk. Now is the time for us to do what we say," concluded Foreign Minister Retno.

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