
JAKARTA - The National Police have uncovered 50 cases of misuse of subsidized fuel oil (BBM) from various regions of Central Java. From the series of disclosures, the estimated state losses that were saved reached IDR 11 billion.

"From the disclosures made by the Central Java Regional Police, at least IDR 11 billion more potential state losses were saved", said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, to reporters, Monday, September 5.

The nominal tens of billions were obtained because, in the disclosure of tens of cases, tens of tons of subsidized fuel were confiscated. For example, the type of diesel fuel.

"Evidence that was secured was 81.9 tons of subsidized diesel fuel, 3.2 tons of Pertalite, 38 cars, 6 motorcycles, 9 communication devices, and 40 1,000 liter capacity reservoirs", said Dedi.

In addition, from the disclosure, at least 66 people were named as suspects.

One of them is disclosure in the Kudus area. The local police revealed that companies that bought subsidized bio-diesel at several gas stations used several cars. Then, it is collected and stockpiled for sale to the industry.

"In this case, two suspects were arrested, one of them is a State Civil Apparatus (ASN). In addition, 12 tons of subsidized diesel fuel were also secured as evidence", said Dedi.

There are also cases of misappropriation committed by ASN in Pekalongan. The person repeatedly filled the tank of his car with diesel.

It turned out that the ASN was moving diesel fuel to jerry cans to be sold more expensively by taking advantage of the price increase.

"On average, the motives of the perpetrators are to abuse and hoard subsidized fuel to make a profit because of the price disparity and weak supervision", said Dedi.

Due to the rampant cases of misuse of subsidized fuel, the National Police will take firm action against anyone involved. In addition, to supervise and monitor the distribution of fuel.

"Placing the Indonesian National Police personnel at gas stations with the aim that the public can be enlightened and respond positively to the impact of the increase in fuel prices in addition to securing objects", said Dedi.

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