JAKARTA - Inspector General Ferdy Sambo was dishonorably dismissed from the National Police. The decision was made after the ethics trial was carried out by the mastermind behind the premeditated murder of Nopryansah Yosua Hutabarat or Brigadier J.
According to Member of House of Representatives (DPR) Commission III, Frakri Golka, Supriansa, imposing ethical sanctions in the form of dishonorable dismissal or PTDH to Ferdy Sambo from the National Police is the best decision.
"I think what is decided is the best", Supriansa told reporters, Friday, August 26.
Not accepting Sambo by filing an appeal against yesterday's ethical trial decision, Supriansa considered that it was the right of the person concerned. However, the decision of the appeal will be the final decision of the trial.
"But the decision is with the appeals panel. And I think the appeal decision will be the final decision in the trial of the case", said Supriansa.
Previously, the suspect in the premeditated murder of Brigadier J, Ferdy Sambo, filed an appeal regarding the ethics trial decision that dismissed him dishonorably from the Police.
The appeal was conveyed by Ferdy after the decision on his dismissal was read by the Professional Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP) at the TNCC Building at the South Jakarta Police Headquarters, Friday, August 26, early in the morning.
"Please allow the Chairperson of KKEP, how do we convey it in the trial process, we admit all our actions and regret all the actions we have done to the Polri institution", said Sambo.
"But we ask for permission in accordance with Article 69 of PP No. 72 of 2022, allow us to file an appeal", he continued.
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