
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion reports that four Indonesian Hajj pilgrims are still undergoing treatment in Saudi Arabia after previously eight people had to be delayed from returning because of illness until the Hajj operations were completed.

"If it is possible and they get medical permission to be repatriated, they will immediately be flown to the country", said Consul for Hajj at the Indonesian Consulate General in Jeddah, Nasrullah Jasam, in a written statement quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, August 25.

Nasrullah ensured that his team and the Indonesian Consulate General in Jeddah will continue to monitor the health of the pilgrims who are still undergoing treatment so that they can return to Indonesia soon.

Meanwhile, from a total of eight pilgrims who were previously treated, three have been sent back to the country and one died in Saudi Arabia.

"Indonesian pilgrims who are being treated and have made it possible to return to their homeland are gradually being sent home", he said.

The three pilgrims who have returned are on behalf of Muhaya Mahabar from West Jakarta on August 14, Sugeng bin Ngadeni Abdullah Meka, pilgrims from the Surabaya Embarkation Group 55 (SUB 55), on August 24, and Ahmad Daniel, the Surabaya Embarkation Group 23 (SUB 23).

"Ahmad Daniel was previously treated at the Al-Noor Hospital in Makkah. Ahmad Daniel flew on Thursday from Jeddah to Surabaya with Saudia Airlines", he said.

Head of the Public Relations, Data and Information Bureau, Akhmad Fauzin, said that the government will continue to carry out visits and assistance through the Hajj Affairs Office (KUH) of the Indonesian Consulate General in Jeddah until the hajj is healthy and can be returned entirely to the country.

According to him, the families of pilgrims who are sick can follow the healthy development of their family members through the offices of the Ministry of Religion of the city/regency as well as the respective Provincial Offices.

"The government ensures that the costs of sick pilgrims are fully guaranteed by the government", he said.

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