
WEST PAPUA - Interfaith women in West Papua are building a united commitment to maintain harmony starting from home in response to various threats of violence against gender in the region.

Expert Staff to the Governor of West Papua for Community and Human Resources, Mohammad Tawakal, said the commitment of interfaith women in maintaining harmony is a big force that the government should support.

"Harmony that starts from the family environment is the starting point for fostering social life in a wider environment to accept and complement each other in differences. This is the strength of all parties to prevent various threats of gender violence," said Tawakal.

This interfaith women's commitment was built through seminars and workshops (semiloka) entitled "Religions Respond to Gender-Based Violence" held by the West Papua Province Religious Harmony Forum (FKUB), in Manokwari, Thursday, August 4.

Tawakal continued, the harmony that is fostered from within the household, will be carried over to the community. Although it is undeniable that gender people often experience arbitrary actions by those closest to them.

Therefore, said Tawakal, interfaith women in West Papua must be given space to learn together about tolerance and harmony starting from the family environment.

"This workshop is very positive, because in order to maintain a harmonious life between religious communities and prevent violence against gender, of course, it starts with maintaining harmony in the household," he concluded.

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