
SEMARANG - The Logistics Bureau and the Professional and Security Division (Bidpropam) of the Central Java Regional Police have become the best government agencies in Central Java in the Implementation of the First Semester Budget of 2022.

In awarding the regional coordination meeting for the Budget Implementation Semester II 2022 held by the Regional Office of the Directorate General of Treasury of Central Java province, Rolog Polda Central Java was the champion for the ceiling category above IDR 80 billion, while Bidpropam won for the ceiling category IDR 0-30 billion.

"The award ceremony will be held on Wednesday, August 3," said Head of Central Java Police Headquarters Grand Commissioner Pol M Iqbal Alqudusy, in a written statement, Thursday, August 4.

According to the Head of Public Relations (Kabidhumas), as an agency that receives operational budgets from the government, every work unit (satker) within the government must be able to manage the budget appropriately and can be accounted for.

"We are grateful that the Logistics Bureau and Bidpropam are the best government agencies in Central Java according to their respective categories," he said.

He said that there were four work units at the Central Java Regional Police that won awards in the coordination meeting for the leaders of the budget implementation area.

"In the category of ceilings of IDR 80 billion and above, the Rolog of the Central Java Police won first place, the second place was won by the Sragen Police. In the category of ceilings of IDR 30-80 billion, the HR Bureau of the Central Java Police took third place. won first place," he explained.

This achievement, he said, is not only proud but also a trigger for the Central Java Regional Police to always show the best performance in managing the budget.

Meanwhile, the Head of Propam, Grand Commissioner Mukiya, when asked about Bidpropam's achievements, said that he was quite proud of it.

Bidpropam of Central Java Police, he said, is currently continuing to organize itself in the field of administration and operational activities in the field of profession and security.

"We continue to organize ourselves. We should be grateful, in the last two years Bidpropam has shown positive performance progress. This is shown by the many awards from the Ministry, the National Police Chief and KPPN. In fact, one of the ministries has been ranked first at the national level," he added.

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