
PADANG - The West Sumatra Regional Police destroyed evidence resulting from the disclosure of cases of marijuana abuse. The destruction was carried out at the West Sumatra Police Headquarters, Padang, Thursday, August 4.

The Director of Drugs at the West Sumatra Police, Commissioner Rudy Yulianto, said the destruction of dried marijuana by burning was 37,205.55 grams out of a total of 37,250.00 grams of evidence.

"For the remaining 44.45 grams [dried hanja], it is used as evidence for examination in the forensic laboratory", he said at the West Sumatra Police Headquarters, quoted from Antara, Thursday, August 4.

He explained that the destruction of the evidence was by the Letter of Determination on the Status of Narcotics Confiscated Goods from the Padang District Attorney Number: R-483/L.310/Enz1/07/2022 dated July 21, 2022.

"After being confiscated, we destroy this evidence together with the prosecutor's office and other parties", said Commissioner Rudy Yulianto.

Meanwhile, the Head of Public Relations of the West Sumatra Police, Commissioner Dwi Sulistyawan said that the evidence of the dried marijuana-type narcotics was the result of the disclosure of a drug case with a suspect named Meyyori Pratama (27) by the Directorate of Narcotics Investigation of the West Sumatra Police.

The alleged article is Article 114 paragraph (2) sub-Article 111 paragraph (2) of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.

The Director of Drugs at the West Sumatra Police appealed to the public to become police officers for themselves, their families, and their neighborhoods so that they could reduce the crime rate.

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