
North Kalimantan - The Provincial Government of North Kalimantan (Kaltara) plans to involve the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) in writing the history book of the birth of Kaltara.

This independent institution is a non-ministerial government agency (LPNK) coordinated by the Ministry of Research and Technology/National Research and Innovation Agency (Kemenristek/BRIN).

"By involving this independent institution, we hope that the historical writing of Kaltara's birth by data will be authentic, accurate, and sourced from all historical actors," said Kaltara Governor Zainal Arifin Paliwang in Tanjung Selor, Bulungan, Tuesday, August 2.

By involving LIPI, Zainal also hopes that the writing of the history book of the birth of the 34th province will be completed quickly, or that there will be no more different perceptions or thoughts.

Although writing a history is not as easy as imagined, the man is optimistic that the Kaltara history book can be finished this year.

Writing the history, said Zainal, takes time because it must collect data and facts, research, studies, and their validity.

However, the North Kalimantan Provincial Government will continue to push for a solution, one of which is by involving the independent institution.

LIPI, said Zainal, is active in the field of research related to research, development, and use of science.

One of his duties, he said, was to assist the government in the field of scientific research and seeking scientific truth.

"Scientific freedom, freedom of research, and freedom of the pulpit are recognized and guaranteed as long as they do not conflict with Pancasila and the laws and regulations," he said.

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