
JAKARTA - The family's lawyer said the forensic team from the TNI would be involved in the re-autopsy process on the body of Nopryansah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J.

The inclusion of parties outside the National Police is based on the results of the initial case of alleged premeditated murder reported by the family of Brigadier J.

"It has been discussed in the trial that an independent team will be formed, which will involve joint forensic doctors from the RSPAD, then from the RSAL, RSAU," said Brigadier J's family lawyer, Kamaruddin Simanjuntak to reporters, Thursday, July 21, early in the morning.

In addition to the forensic team from the TNI, the re-autopsy process will also involve a team from Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM) and a national private hospital.

That way, Kamaruddin said, it is hoped that the autopsy process will be transparent and accountable.

However, the timing of the re-autopsy has yet to be confirmed. So far, the team from the Directorate of General Crimes of the Bareskrim Polri only guarantees that it will do so in the near future.

"We can't determine when it will be because we just submitted the letter. But soon, the proposal has been approved, it's just the investigators coordinating," said Kamaruddin.

Previously, Brigadier J's family asked the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo to form an independent team. The goal is to re-do the autopsy process by involving parties outside the Police.

The reason behind this request is that the family does not believe the autopsy results that have been presented by the Police.

"We ask the National Police Chief to form an independent team that involves other doctors," said Kamaruddin.

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