
JAMBI - Jambi Regional Police Chief Inspector General Albertus Rachmad Wibowo visited and visited the funeral home of Brigadier J.

The Regional Police Chief, accompanied by the Director of Intelligence and Security for the Jambi Police, Grand Commissioner Bondan Witjaksono, was greeted by the parents of the deceased and his extended family at the Unit I funeral home, Suka Makmur Village, Sungai Bahar District, Muarojambi Regency.

"I came personally to express my deepest condolences to the extended family here," said Rachmad to the media crew, Thursday, July 14.

On that occasion, Rachmad ensured that his party would accommodate all the aspirations of the family.

In fact, said Rachmad, the Jambi Police will send doctors and trauma healing officers for Brigadier J.

"They will check the state of your mother's health. Hopefully, it can ease the burden on the family, later the family can pour out all their feelings to the trauma healing officer," he said.

Rachmad also said that currently, the National Police Chief Gen. Listyo Sigit Prabowo has formed a team to make the incident clear. He also appealed to the extended family of the late Brigadier J to entrust this matter to the National Police.

Rachmad's arrival was warmly welcomed by the entire extended family. Brigadier J's biological father, Samuel Hutabarat said they really hope that Joshua's belongings can be returned soon.

After talking, the Jambi Police Chief, accompanied by Brigadier J's parents and extended family, went to the Public Cemetery (TPU) where the deceased was buried and led a direct prayer for the deceased.

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