
JAKARTA - The Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia Sanitiar Burhanuddin received an award from the Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA) I Gusti Ayu Bintang Darmawati for her achievements in giving women and children access to law enforcement (gakkum).

Burhanuddin received an award and appreciation from the Minister of PPPA for encouraging the issuance of Law Number 12 of 2022 concerning the Crime of Sexual Violence (UU TPKS), and so far she has been technically assisted in providing space for the Ministry of PPPA, especially in assisting victims of crime.

”We are committed to providing a deterrent effect to perpetrators and providing protection to victims so that the presence of the state is in law enforcement in society," said Indonesian Attorney General Sanitiar Burhanuddin.

Burhanuddin delivers that the Indonesian Attorney General is very cautious and focused on problems related to women and children violence victims, especially recently, a lot has happened, including in Jombang, Batu City, Banyuwangi, and others.

The award was conveyed by the Minister of PPPA when she visited the Kartika Adhyaksa Tower Building and met with the Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia, Sanitiar Burhanuddin.

The discussion in this meeting was data on prosecutions related to cases of sexual violence experienced by women and children, especially those that occurred in Jombang and Batu City, East Java, efforts to protect children and women as vulnerable groups, as well as patterns of law enforcement in handling the practice of sexual violence as the implementation of Law Number 12 of 2022 concerning Sexual Violence (UU TPKS).

On the other hand, PPPA Minister I Gusti Ayu Bintang Darmawati conveyed the need to increase the capacity of law enforcement officers (APH) and other technical human resources in the field of Juvenile Criminal Justice System (SPPA) and Gender Justice.

In addition, she added, it is necessary to increase the effectiveness of service instruments organized by APH, government service personnel, and community-based service institutions, including the implications for accelerating handling and eliminating the revictimization of victims.

“Social media and electronic media play a very important role in going viral and revealing cases related to vulnerable crimes for women and children so that there is new hope for victims, where cases can be resolved properly. We appreciate the media and always supervise and assist these cases," said Bintang.

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