
JAKARTA - Chairman of Commission A of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Mujiyono, asked DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan to immediately make a governor's regulation regarding the policy of withdrawing retribution for private ships and helicopters that dock in the Thousand Islands.

This is based on the finding of illegal helipad use on Panjang Island. The private sector often uses helipads for personal interests, but the Regency Government (Pemkab) does not collect retribution from these activities.

This condition was also acknowledged by the Thousand Islands Regent Junaedi while attending a working meeting of Commission A DPRD DKI Jakarta on Monday, July 11 yesterday.

"If there is a regulation that covers the collection of levies, then a levy must be levied on ships and helicopters to Pulau Seribu. Now it turns out that there is no legal basis yet. That's why it is necessary to make a legal basis, such as a governor's regulation, about that," Mujiyono told reporters, Tuesday, July 12.

Mujiyono views, the withdrawal of retribution is needed to support regional income. Referring to the findings of the use of the free helipad, Mujiyono views that the clarity of licensing must exist in the context of the use of state-owned assets.

"If there is a fee to land there, a retribution must be collected if there are regulations," said Mujiyono.

Although private parties who use helipads on Panjang Island also help build mosques in the context of developing religious tourism destinations on Panjang Island, levies must still be collected.

"Don't let (say the private sector is helping) fix this (the facilities on the island), that's what they finally say is the most entitled. If it is made from the APBD, there must be benefits for Jakarta residents and the retribution must be clear," he explained.

For information, the helipad on Panjang Island has been built since 2005 by the local government with the aim of building a tourist destination. However, due to the development of legal problems, the area was abandoned.

However, now the helipad is being used by a number of private parties who own islands in the Thousand Islands without paying any retribution. The regent of the Thousand Islands admitted that there was no withdrawal of fees because there were no regulations governing it.

"We report that there are no fees for landing helipads," Junaedi said in a meeting at the DKI Jakarta DPRD Building, Tuesday, July 12.

Junaedi admitted that his party allowed the private sector to use the helipad because there was a reciprocity obtained by the Thousand Islands Regency Government. Junaedi said the private sector helped to beautify the area on Panjang Island.

"Yes, actually this is more about the worship of the island owners, assistance for the participation of residents in Jakarta. These donors built a mosque there in the context of structuring the religious tourism area that we have planned. We only welcome those who want to build a mosque," Junaedi said.

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