KUPANG - The Tenau-Kupang Maritime Meteorology Station, the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) issued an early warning of potential tidal flooding in the East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) region for the next two days.
"Rob floods have the potential to occur on June 14-15 2022 in several coastal areas of the island, namely Timor, Rote, Sumba, Sabu, Raijua, as well as southern Flores and Lembata", said the Head of the BMKG Tenau-Kupang Maritime Meteorological Station Syaeful Hadi in a statement received. in Kupang, Monday, June 13.
He explained that coastal flooding is likely to occur due to the influence of astronomical activities in the form of a full moon phase (super full moon), which is the position of the moon at the closest distance to the earth.
This, according to him, can cause the potential for seawater to experience maximum tides or be hit by high waves and strong winds.
"Thus it affects the dynamics of the coast in the NTT region in the form of potential for coastal flooding", he said as quoted by Antara.
Syaeful Hadi said that the potential for tidal flooding needs to be watched out for because it can have an impact on several aspects such as seawater flooding in residential areas in coastal areas, and disruption of transportation around ports and coasts.
In addition, the activities of salt farmers and land fisheries are disrupted as well as loading and unloading activities at the port.
He appealed to people in areas potentially affected by tidal flooding to always be alert and alert to anticipate the impact of coastal flooding.
"The public needs to continue to pay attention to the latest information related to maritime weather from the BMKG to understand the potential for disasters in the surrounding environment", he said.
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