
TANGERANG - The Tangerang District Attorney's Office, Banten, has named five suspects in a case of alleged corruption in the procurement of village operational cars in 2018.

Of the five suspects, four of them are former village heads with the initials SN, M, DM, and STN, and one other person with the initials SA who is a former member of the Tangerang Regency Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD).

"We have named five suspects in the alleged corruption of village operational cars, four former village heads, one former member of the Tangerang Regency DPRD", said Head of the Tangerang District Attorney's Office, Nova Eliza Saragih in a case release in Tangerang, Antara, Thursday, June 9.

In the alleged corruption case, the suspects carried out their modus operandi by not paying the car procurement budget to the vehicle provider showroom.

"As a result, the village vehicle did not have any documents. Because the village head did not pay it to the showroom", she said.

In the examination carried out on the suspects, they admitted that they did not follow the regulations according to the Regent Regulation and Government Goods/Services Procurement Policy Agency (LKPP) in the procurement of operational vehicles for the village.

As a result, the state suffered a loss of IDR 600 million with the price of each vehicle unit reaching IDR 185 million to IDR 244 million.

"They should be able to make payments right away, but this is not the case. We will hold the perpetrators for the next 20 days for further investigation", she said.

He admitted that his party would continue to develop related to the handling of the alleged procurement of this village's operational car to identify other suspects.

"From the determination of this suspect, we will continue to develop. Hopefully, soon we can determine another suspect", she said.

For his actions, the suspects were also subject to Articles 2 and 3 regarding No Corruption Crimes with a threat of five years in prison.

She added, that in 2018 the Tangerang Regency Community Empowerment and Village Administration (DPMPD) issued a circular letter to village heads, allowing the village head to procure village operational cars from the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) with a total value of IDR 20 billion.

"There are 27 villages that budget for village operational cars, including four former village heads who currently suspect", she said.

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