
JAKARTA - The United Indonesia Coalition (KIB) has officially declared Golkar, PAN, and PPP by signing a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on Saturday, June 4. KIB was also advised to immediately open the screening of presidential candidates (candidates) to be carried in the 2024 election.

FIXPOLL Indonesia Executive Director Mohammad Anas, said that the selection of presidential candidates could provide space for internal figures of coalition parties. Such as the General Chair of Golkar Airlangga Hartarto, PAN chairman Zulkifli Hasan, and Suharso Monoarfa.

"The screening can provide space for Airlangga, Zulhas, and Suharso. As well as external figures," said Anas in Jakarta, Tuesday, June 7.

According to Anas, the United Indonesia Coalition prefers the strength of a party that automatically leads the Golkar Party as its presidential candidate. Because the banyan party has the highest vote in the coalition.

However, Anas considered that the candidate pairs to be carried in the 2024 election were based on consideration of the strength of the figure, not the strength of the party. If Indonesia is committed to unite, he said, then it must present a figure who can unite the elements of the nation.

"So it is necessary to give space to independent figures such as Andika Perkasa (TNI Commander), La Nyalla Mattalitti (Chairman of DPD RI), Anies Baswedan (Governor of DKI Jakarta), Erick Thohir (Minister of BUMN), to Ridwan Kamil (Governor of West Java). This figure has received public support to run for the next presidential election, on the basis of the declaration of support for the 2024 presidential candidate that has graced the media recently," he explained.

Anas reminded that the selection of KIB presidential candidates must be built on a commitment to unite the people, not a handful of elites. Because if unity only occurs among the elite, said Anas, it is likely that division will occur at the grassroots level.

"Because often the charisma of the elite does not affect effectively at the grassroots level," he said.

Therefore, Anas suggested that the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB) agree on the criteria for the candidates for presidential and vice-presidential figures in the selection. The figures at KIB, he said, needed to formulate criteria for figures.

"For example, having experience in leading government institutions at the national level, paying attention to people's aspirations about the criteria for expected leaders, also observing the current national situation with various complexities of problems," explained Anas.

In addition, Anas added, KIB also needs to conduct a public test internally and externally to the party. At this stage, all candidates who participate in the screening must be tested for their ideas and track records.

"In this testing process, KIB must involve various elements from the party management structure at the central to regional levels, academics, community leaders so that the weighting of presidential candidates is more elegant, qualified, and capable of winning the 2024 presidential election," concluded Anas.

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