
JAKARTA - Russian diplomats said the United States and its NATO allies entered the final stages of planning provocations in Ukraine, last weekend.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said Defense Ministry data published on Saturday revealed that the US and NATO were entering the final stages of planning provocations in Ukraine.

"The published information by the Russian Ministry of Defense clearly proves: Washington, in close coordination with its NATO partners, has moved into the final stages of planning a provocation in Ukraine, which must convince the global community that 'Russia is using toxic combat substances and biological agents," she wrote in Telegram as quoted from TASS April 24.

She stressed that Washington's original plan involved economic pressure on Russia to make Moscow "fully reconsider its legitimate interests in the security sphere."

"It didn't work. Now that the US is turning to engaging weapons of mass destruction (WMD), it's practically a game outside the red lines," the spokeswoman said. "If this happens, there will be countless victims. And each one of them is in the hearts of American strategists in the White House, State Department and Pentagon offices, and on conscience, if anything is left of their puppets in Kiev," she added.

Earlier, the head of Russia's Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Units, Igor Kirillov, said the US was preparing provocations to accuse Russia of using chemical, biological or tactical nuclear weapons.

According to him, Washington is setting up three scenarios: first during a staged false flag incident, second the covert use of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in small quantities and third, least likely, the overt use of weapons of mass destruction in combat.

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