
JAKARTA - The United States will ask the UN General Assembly to suspend Russia from the Human Rights Council, the US ambassador to the United Nations said on Monday, after Ukraine accused Russian troops of killing dozens of civilians in the city of Bucha.

A two-thirds majority by the 193-member assembly in New York, could suspend a country for continued grave and systematic violations of human rights.

"Russia's participation in the Human Rights Council is a joke," US Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield said during a visit to Romania.

"And it is wrong, which is why we believe it is time the UN General Assembly voted to remove it."

Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield said he wanted to vote this week.

Meanwhile, Ukraine said it would use all "available UN mechanisms" to gather evidence for Russia's crimes in the country.

"There is no place for Russia on the UN Human Rights Council," said Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba.

Since Russia's invasion of Ukraine began on February 24, the Assembly has adopted two resolutions condemning Russia with 140 votes in favor. Moscow said it was carrying out "special operations" to demilitarize Ukraine.

"My message to the 140 countries who are bravely standing together is this: the picture of Bucha and the devastation across Ukraine requires us to match our words with actions," said Thomas-Greenfield.

In New York, Russia's UN Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia called efforts to remove Russia from the council as "unbelievable", adding that it would not help for peace talks.

"This is again, unprecedented and this will not facilitate or encourage or assist, what is happening between Russia and the Ukrainian peace talks," Nebenzia told a news conference.

He repeated Russia's denial of the allegations of atrocities at Bucha, saying the footage presented was "staged." He said Russia would provide more evidence on the matter at a planned UN Security Council meeting Tuesday.

Terpish, deputy mayor of Bucha said about 50 bodies recovered after Russian troops withdrew, were victims of extrajudicial killings by Russian forces. Reuters was unable to independently verify who was responsible for the killing of the Bucha resident.

Meanwhile, Ukrainian authorities said they were investigating possible war crimes there. The Kremlin denies accusations related to the killing of civilians in the city.

Russia is in the second year of a three-year term on the 47-member council, which cannot make legally binding decisions. However, his decision sends an important political message and could allow an investigation.

Last month, it opened an investigation into allegations of rights violations, including possible war crimes, in Ukraine since the Russian invasion. Thirty-two members voted in favor of the resolution proposed by Ukraine. Russia and Eritrea voted against while 13, including China, abstained.

The General Assembly had previously suspended a country from the council. In March 2011, it unanimously suspended Libya due to violence against protesters, by forces loyal to then-leader Muammar Gaddafi.

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