
JAKARTA - Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev called believing Western sanctions against Russian businesses would affect the Moscow government, on Friday, was foolish.

The deputy head of Russia's Security Council said in an interview that the sanctions would only consolidate Russian society, not cause popular discontent with the authorities.

The West has imposed a series of sanctions on Russia following its invasion of Ukraine. Meanwhile, the Kremlin will continue its month-long offensive to achieve its goals, the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine.

Some of the sanctions specifically target billionaire businessmen believed to be close to President Vladimir Putin.

"Let's ask ourselves: can any of these big businessmen have the smallest quantum influence from the country's leadership position?" Medvedev said as reported by Reuters on March 25.

"I openly tell you: no, it's impossible," he stressed about the impact of sanctions on the Moscow government.

Furthermore, Medvedev said poll results showed three-quarters of Russians supported the Kremlin's decision to carry out military operations in Ukraine, even more in favor of President Vladimir Putin.

On the occasion, he also criticized the Russian people who spoke out against the invasion while living outside Russia.

"You can be dissatisfied with some of the decisions of the authorities, criticize the authorities, this is normal," he said.

"But you cannot take a stand against the country in a difficult situation, because this is treason."

To note, thousands of people were arrested earlier this month for taking part in rallies across Russia against Putin's invasion of Ukraine, according to an independent protest monitoring group.

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