SOUTH TANGERANG – Pondok Aren Police held a booster vaccination at Global School Bintaro Jaya, Wednesday, March 23. This activity was carried out so that cases of COVID-19 in the region did not increase.
The Head of Pondok Aren Police, Commissioner of Police Dimas Aditya, explained that this vaccination activity was prioritized for students and teaching staff at Global School Bintaro Jaya.
"The provision of vaccines is prioritized for teaching teachers, as well as parents of students who have not implemented booster vaccines," said Pondok Aren Police Chief, Commissioner Dimas Aditya in a written statement, Wednesday, March 23.
Aditya said the booster vaccination participants were not only school teachers and parents, but residents outside the school could participate in this activity.
"Residents around the school are welcome to carry out this booster vaccine activity, considering the importance of vaccines, so that teachers are healthy, as well as supporting health outside of school," Aditya said.
The synergy between the police and educational institutions is a form of support for government programs in suppressing the number of COVID-19 in the South Tangerang area.
“After receiving input from us, the Global School agreed, and the activity was warmly welcomed by the school community. Considering that soon the teacher will start teaching face to face with the students at the school,” he said.
Based on data from, Pondok Aren District is the area with the highest number of COVID-19 cases, namely 18,129 cases. Next is Pamulang District which recorded 17,254 COVID-19 cases.
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