
MAGELANG - The identity of the female corpse, which was stranded on the rocks of the Bolong River in the Njurip Hamlet, Ngasem Village, Tegalrejo District, Magelang Regency, was finally revealed by the Magelang Police team.

Head of Public Relations of the Magelang Police, Commisoner Adjutant of Police Abdul Muthohir, said the disclosure had previously been carried out using the scientific identification system, including the disclosure of his fingerprints. The identity of the woman's corpse is known to residents from the West Java region who are 48 years old.

Mutohir explained that his party had also contacted the victim's family. With the consent of the victim's family, an autopsy was carried out.

Currently, the Magelang Police Satreskrim is still investigating the corpse. An investigation was carried out to determine the exact cause of death of the victim.

"The results of the autopsy are expected to provide clues in the investigation process, and the Satreskrim is still conducting further investigations," explained Muthohir, via text message, Monday, February 28.

Muthohir said the woman's body was first discovered by Sukardi (45), a resident of Bungas Hamlet, Ngasem Village, Tegalrejo District, who was looking for grass and firewood on the banks of the Bolong River, Sunday, February 27.

Suheru as the Head of Ngasem Village separately said that the woman's corpse was not a resident of the village he led.

The resident who was looking for firewood immediately ran to tell other residents after finding out that the woman's body was there, including the Head of Njurip Hamlet and the Head of Ngasem Village.

Previously, residents of Batu Ronggeng in the western part of Nusakambangan were shocked by the discovery of a woman's corpse that had turned into a skull, Tuesday, February 22, at 13.00 western Indonesia time. Police did not find an identity on the body.

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