Penajam Paser Utara Regency Government Allocates IDR 22 Billion For Free Nutrition Food

PENAJAM - Penajam Paser Utara Regency Government, East Kalimantan will run a free nutritious eating program. Funds of around Rp22 billion have been allocated through the Youth and Sports Education Office (Dikpora) for its implementation.

"The district government has allocated funds to the 2025 Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD), to run a free nutritious meal and nutritional adequacy," said Head of the Penajam Paser Utara Regency Dikpora Service Andi Singkerru in Penajam, quoting ANTARA, Sunday 22 December.

The budget allocated around Rp22 billion through the Dikpora Service, he continued, for all students of the Elementary School (SD) and Junior High School (SMP) level is equivalent.

"Free nutritious food is given to 21,000 elementary school students and 7,000 junior high school students," he added.

Efforts to strengthen free nutritious food and nutritional adequacy, one of President Prabowo Subianto's programs, has been tested at SD Negeri 013, North Penajam Paser Regency.

At least 435 students at SD received one portion of food consisting of rice, vegetables, two types of side dishes, fruit and milk.

"Hopefully the funds of around Rp. 22 billion allocated are sufficient for free nutritious food needs and nutritional adequacy for students," he said.

"A nutritious food intake is one of the steps to build a healthy, intelligent, and productive young generation," he explained again.

"The free nutritious dining program and nutritional adequacy are also expected to provide education to parents about the intake of nutritious food, for optimal growth and development of children is very important," said Andi Singkerru.