Polish Ambassador Wants To Increase Cooperation With Indonesia

Polish Ambassador to Indonesia Beata Stoczynska expressed his desire to cooperate more with Indonesia in various sectors when opening the Poland Festival 2023 in Sanur, Bali, Saturday.

"Here I find the community is similar to Poland, which is full of enthusiasm, creative and I think it needs more business and investment in the energy, IT and maritime fields in the future," he said when answering reporters' questions regarding opportunities for cooperation between Indonesia and Poland.

Beata mengatakan Poland sebagai salah satu negara besar di Eropa Tengah selama ini sudah menjalin kerja sama dengan Indonesia terkait beberapa hal seperti berbagai jenis makanan dan minuman yang ditampakkan dalam Poland Festival 2023.

According to him, it is not impossible that in the future his party will cooperate in the hospitality sector in collaboration with strategic partner partners at the local and national levels specifically to support tourism in Bali.

The Poland Festival 2023 which will be held in Bali is running thanks to the cooperation between Investment and Trade of Poland through its Foreign Trade Office with the Polish Embassy in Jakarta, the Polish Business Club, and the Polish Tourism Organization.

The festival is an event to celebrate and at the same time introduce Polish culture to the Indonesian people.

"This is the reason why I am here, of course, because of the great potential for cooperation between the two countries. I hope the Poland Festival will produce more results," said Beata.

Meanwhile, Deputy Head of the Polish Trade and Investment Office, Cezary Filipek, who was present at the time, said that the Poland Festival this time promoted various food, beverage, cosmetics, and Polish culture products.

There are at least 18 Polish products exhibited at the festival which include food, beverages, cosmetics and others. Apart from Bali, the Poland Festival 2023 is also held in several cities such as Jakarta, Bandung and Surabaya.

"We have a lot to offer in various aspects, including to Indonesia, as one of the leaders in Southeast Asia. There is great potential in the field of trade and investment," Cezary said.

He said the Poland Festival 2023 was an opportunity to strengthen cooperation between the two countries, Poland and Indonesia.

In addition, another goal is to introduce Indonesian consumers with high-quality Polish products, open up business opportunities to Indonesian importers, distributors, and retailers and promote the country of Indonesia as a very potential business and investment destination.

Bali was chosen to be the fourth city to host the Poland Festival 2023 because Bali has extraordinary tourist destinations and is considered easy to promote products from Poland.

The Poland Festival 2023, which was held at Grand Lucky Sanur, Denpasar, featured various food and beverage products, the activity was coupled with prize quizzes, polar flash course, food testing to attract attention from visitors.

Cezary said there were several projects carried out by chefs Indonesia and Poland that proved the collaboration between the two countries in the local business sector, for example, they created Indonesian-Polish cuisine involving spices in Indonesia.

"This is very important if we realize that spices in Indonesia are one of the very important components. So this is one example that this collaboration is very important," he said.

"We want to work with Indonesia. And also in the investment sector, if you look at Bali itself, more and more tourists and investors will come for the hotel business," he added.