Detected By 50 Hotspots In East Kalimantan, BMKG Reminds People To Prevent

JAKARTA - Detected at 50 hotspots in East Kalimantan Province so that related parties are expected to handle and the community reminds each other to prevent the number from increasing.

"A total of 50 hotspots were monitored throughout Friday (17/11) yesterday, from 01.00 to 24.00 WITA," said Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman-Sepinggan Meteorological Station Data and Information Coordinator Diyan Novrida quoting Antara.

A total of 50 points were monitored in one city and four districts, namely Samarinda City one point, Paser Regency (11), East Kutai (31), Kutai Kartanegara (3), and Berau (4).

The latest information regarding the distribution of hotspots has been conveyed to the Provincial and Regency/City Level Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) to be followed up.

Diyan also reminded residents not to throw cigarette butts carelessly and not to burn to open or clean land to prevent forest and land fires.

The distribution of hot spots per area, including in Paser Regency, was observed at 11 points, spread over five sub-districts, namely Batu Sopang with seven points, while Batu Engau, Long Ikis, Muara Komam, and Tanah Grogot with one point each.

East Kutai Regency detected 31 points, spread over six sub-districts, namely Bengalon 14 points, Kaubun (5), Kongbeng (1), Muara Wahau (3), Rantau Pulung (6), and Telen (2).

In Berau Regency, four hotspots were detected, spread over two sub-districts, namely Mount Tabur one point and Sigah three points.