5 Attitudes Of Indonesian Health Workers For Gaza, One Of Which Is Urges RI To Do Firm Diplomacy

JAKARTA - Indonesian health workers through the Humanitarian Organization in the field of Emergency or Medical Emergency Rescue Committee (MER-C) Indonesia have called for five statements of attitude against Israeli aggression in Gaza, Palestine. "Israel's attack on Al Shifa Hospital has tarnished the face of the medical world, and we see that the World Health Organization or WHO is still weak and unable to do anything meaningful to save the hospital in Gaza," said Chairman of Presidium MER-C Indonesia Sarbini Abdul Murad in a joint prayer of the solidarity action of Indonesian health workers to Palestine online in Jakarta, Friday, November 17, was seized by Antara. Therefore, Indonesian health workers called for five statements of attitude against Israeli aggression in the Gaza Strip, Palestine. First, Indonesian health workers expressed deep sorrow for the death of civilians due to Israel's blindDOM aggression in the Gaza Strip, where repeated attacks since October 7, 2023 have swallowed more than 11,180 Palestinians killed.

Of the total victims, more than 7,700 of them were children and women, while more than 28,200 others were injured. The move was the worst genocide crime of the century. Second, Indonesian health workers condemned the Israeli attacks on facilities and health workers resulting in the cessation of total services in a number of hospitals in Gaza. A total of 22 hospitals and 49 health centers were forced to stop operating in Gaza due to Israeli arrogance. Attacks on hospitals and health workers were a form of violation of international law, as stated in the first Genewa Convention on August 12, 1949 and an additional 1977 protocol.

Third, Indonesian health workers urged the United Nations (UN), organizations, and the international health community to take concrete and immediate steps to stop Israeli attacks on facilities and medical personnel in Gaza.

Kemudian, memulihkan secepat mungkin layanan medis yang terhenti, sekaligus membuka akses bantuan kesehatan berupa obat-obatan dan tim medis untuk membantu korban-korban terdampak serangan Israel.Keempat, tenaga kesehatan Indonesia meminta pemerintah untuk melakukan diplomasi secara tegas di kancah internasional untuk menekan Israel menghentikan agresinya di Gaza, Palestina.Kelima, tenaga kesehatan Indonesia mengajak rekan-rekan sejawat medis untuk memberikan bantuan terbaik, meliputi bantuan tenaga, dana, hingga doa untuk korban-korban serangan bengis Israel di Gaza."Kita juga meminta doa yang ditujukan kepada para korban, utamanya para tenaga medis, di mana ada sekitar 200 jiwa yang menjadi korban, dan ini merupakan bentuk pengabdian mereka terhadap kemanusiaan. Semoga Allah SWT, Tuhan yang Maha Esa senantiasa melapangkan kubur mereka, dan menempatkan mereka pada sisi yang mulia," kata Sarbini.