Pimit Ngopi, Teenager In Sukabumi Found Dead With Sajam Luka
Sukabumi Police Criminal Investigation Unit (Satreskrim) conducted an investigation into the death of a young man named M Andri alias Amad (18), a resident of Pondokkaso Tonggoh Village, Sukabumi Regency, West Java on Tuesday, November 14. "We are still conducting an investigation by collecting evidence and witness statements to uncover this case," said Sukabumi Police Criminal Investigation Unit Head AKP Ali Jupri, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, November 15. According to Ali, the body of the victim who lives in Cidahu District was also found with sharp weapon incision wounds. The victim's body was taken to the Installation Room of Sekarwangi Hospital Cibadak, Sukabumi Regency, but for the purpose of an autopsy his body was taken to the Kramatjati Jakarta Police Hospital. Meanwhile, information from the victim's relative who is also the head of RT 04/01, Pondokkaso Tonggoh Solih Village said that before being found dead at around 02.00 WIB, Amad had asked his parents to leave the house for permission to coffee with his colleagues on Monday at around 23.00 WIB. However, information from the victim's colleagues when they were about to break was suddenly attacked by two people armed with sickles. Ahmad's condition, which was not ready to be added, was attacked suddenly using sharp weapons, so he could not resist and became the months of the perpetrators.
"When fighting with the two perpetrators, the victim only used his bare hands, because his intention was to have coffee and did not plan to fight the two perpetrators who attacked him," he added. He asked the police to immediately uncover this case and arrest the perpetrator and be given the appropriate punishment. Then the beginning of the fight he did not know for sure.