IOS 17.1.1 Update Claimed To Cause Battery Problems On IPhone

JAKARTA - iPhone users may receive notifications for downloading the latest iOS update, iOS 17.1.1, released by the tech giant this week. There are several security updates and bug fixes here. However, recent reports from some users stated that the update undermined their battery life, with reports of battery charging within a few hours.

The update was originally released to address bugs that caused the iPhone 15 model to break down after trying to use wireless charging in certain cars. In addition, this update also fixes other bugs related to the Weather Lock Screen widget.

A number of users reported that the iOS 17.1.1 update caused problems with their iPhone batteries. Some stated there was a rapid battery power loss after installing the update. However, it is likely that this battery problem is temporary.

Adrian Kingsley-Hughes, a researcher at ZDNet, explained that installing a new operating system on the iPhone triggers various background activities, from indexation to recalibrating batteries, which can last for hours or even days. This not only consumes battery power, but can also give the impression that the battery drains faster when it actually doesn't.

If users worry about their iPhone batteries after a few days of installing iOS 17.1.1, Kingsley-Hughes suggests checking battery health by accessing Settings > Battery > Battery Health. If messages show that the battery has a good "Potwork Performance Ability", it's most likely normal or a bug.