Russia's New Nuclear Submarine Successfully Launches Bulava Intercontinental Ballistic Missile

JAKARTA - Russia's new nuclear-powered submarine, Imperator Alexander III, successfully launched the Bulava intercontinental ballistic missile, the Russian Ministry of Defense said.

"The new nuclear-powered strategic underwater missile cruiser, Imperator Alexander III, managed to fire an intercontinental Bulava ballistic missile from the White Sea at the Kura, the Kamchatka Peninsula. The missile shooting was normal from an underwater position," the Russian Defense Ministry said. from TASS November 10.

"The missile warhead arrives at the target area at a specified time. The ballistic missile shooting is the last element of the country's test run, and a decision will be taken after that based on the Navy's acceptance of the cruiser," the ministry added.

Meanwhile, the American Federation of Scientists said the missile was designed to carry up to six nuclear warheads.

Imperator Alexander III is Russia's 955 Borei Project Class seventh nuclear submarine, as well as the fourth submarine of the modernized Borei-A variant, according to Russian sources.

It is known that the class ship is known among NATO as the Dolgorky Class submarine, after the first ship Yuri Dolgorky became the first new generation nuclear submarine to be launched by Russia since the Cold War.

The Borei Class submarine is armed with 16 Bulava missiles. This 12-meter (40-foot)-long missile has a range of about 8,000 km (5,000 miles).

Russia plans to build a total of 10 to 12 Borei Class submarines, which will later be earmarked for the Northern Fleet and Pacific Fleet according to a plan unveiled by Russian media.

Currently, there are three Borei Class submarines under construction, namely Knyaz Pozharsky, Dmitry Donskoy and Knyaz Potemkin. Two additional ships are also planned, according to Russian media.