Populi Center Survey: Ganjar-Mahfud Electability Decreases

JAKARTA - The Populi Center survey institute said that the electability of the presidential candidate (candidate) and vice presidential candidate (cawapres) promoted by PDI Perjuangan, Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD, decreased in the latest survey.

Ganjar Pranowo's own electability has decreased compared to last September's survey results.

"In September it got 23.8 percent, (now) it's 18 percent," said Public Opinion Manager Populi Center Hartanto Rosojati during a survey presentation at the Populi Center office, Mampang Prapatan, Thursday, November 9.

Meanwhile, Mahfud MD's electability, continued Hartanto, actually increased from 3.6 percent to 16.3 percent. However, he said, Mahfud's voice had not been able to significantly increase the couple's electability.

Hartanto explained that the decline in Ganjar-Mahfud electability was caused by several things. First, the decline in voter support from the Java, Madura, and Makassar tribes.

"The support from Javanese voters towards Ganjar Pranowo in September was 49.8 percent, but when paired with Mahfud MD, support from Javanese voters fell to 33.5 percent," he explained.

Then the voters from Madura for Ganjar Pranowo, who in September 28.1 percent, decreased to only 6.3 percent. Meanwhile, voters from Makassar also decreased from 22.9 percent to 3.2 percent.

Second, voter support with a religious background. From the Protestant voters, support for Ganjar Pranowo decreased from 51.4 percent in September to 35.8 percent.

Then, support from Muhammadiyah and NU also decreased. Where last September, support for Ganjar Pranowo was 41.8 percent. However, currently support for Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD only reached 23.7 percent.

Compared to the electability of two other candidate pairs (paslon), the Ganjar-Mahfud pair took second place with 23 percent gain. Losing far from the pair promoted by the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM), Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka with 43.1 percent.

Meanwhile, the third position is occupied by the pair carried by the Change Coalition, Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar or the AMIN pair at 22.3 percent.

The Populi Center survey was conducted on October 29-5 November 2023 against 1,200 respondents. The survey was conducted face-to-face with the Populi Center application.

The selection of samples was carried out through a multistage random sampling method with a margin of error of up to 2.83 percent and a confidence level of 95 percent.