Hasto Believes That Bobby Nasution Thirst For Power And Asks To Resign From PDIP

TANGERANG - Secretary General of the PDIP, Hasto Kristiyanto, assessed that the attitude of the Mayor of Medan, Bobby Nasution, was a person who was dark with power. This can be seen in his loyalty to the party and his choices in politics.

Hasto explained that when Bobby still did not serve as Mayor of Medan, he stated that he would advance the city of the area, PDIP who provided the road. However, this time, during the 2024 General Election, he turned to support the pair promoted by other parties.

"Those are the character of the dark system of power when loyalty is no longer considered as a value that strengthens the character of a leader when it is only the ambition of power," Hasto told reporters at UMJ, Ciputat, South Tangerang, Thursday, November 9.

Therefore, as the attitude of a leader, said Hasto, Bobby should have returned the PDIP DPP Membership Card (KTA).

"Please, if it's not suitable, step back. That's a solution that is full of ethics and full of political manners and there is a sense of responsibility that should be shown by the leader," he said.

Hasto also said that in order not to be firm from PDIP itself, the PDIP DPP honorary council has now followed up.

"Yes, we give time and act of honor that will continue the process. It is very firm in accordance with ethics we ask for resignation," he concluded.

Previously, Bobby emphasized that he would continue to support Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka in the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election.

Bobby emphasized this when responding to the return of PDIP membership cards (KTA).

"I answered yes, I answered," Bobby told reporters at the Jakarta Theater, Wednesday, November 8.

Not commenting on KTA, President Joko Widodo's (Jokowi) son-in-law even stated firmly that he was ready to win Prabowo-Gibran on February 14, 2024.