Constitutional Justice Arief Hidayat Was Also Examined By MKMK In A Closed Way

Constitutional Justice Arief Hidayat was also questioned by the Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court (MKMK) behind closed doors on Tuesday evening regarding public reports on the Constitutional Court's Decision Number 90/PUU-XXI/2023.

Arief was examined behind closed doors at the same place as the examination of the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Anwar Usman, namely at the II MK building, Jakarta. Monitoring at the location, Arief arrived at the courtyard of the building at 17.24 WIB.

Before entering the location of the examination, Arief, who was seen wearing a gray suit and a black shirt, had time to answer reporters' questions.

Arief said he would provide information regarding everything he knew when examining and deciding the case of the presidential and vice presidential age requirements.

"Oh yes, it must be given. The judge must not lie. He must be honest," said Arief, as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, October 31.

However, Arief was reluctant to reveal what he wanted to convey to MKMK members. He also admitted that he did not prepare certain things for the examination.

"It hasn't been conveyed to the MKMK, I say it's here, it can't be, it's a sin," said Arief with a scream.

Meanwhile, at 16.10 WIB, Anwar Usman had already been examined for approximately an hour by three members of the MKMK, namely Jimly Asshiddiqie, Wahiduddin Adams, and Bintan R. Saragih.

Previously, Jimly as the Chief Justice of the MKMK said that his party held two hearings on Tuesday, namely an open session to summon the reporters and a closed trial for the constitutional judge as the reported party.

"There are two types of hearings that will be held, namely an open trial to examine the complainant and a closed trial to examine the judge. The reporting hearing is in the morning at 09.00; the trial for the judge is at night," said Jimly after a closed meeting with nine constitutional judges at the Constitutional Court Building, Jakarta, Monday (30/10).

On Monday (16/10), the Constitutional Court granted part of Case Number 90/PUU-XXI/2023 submitted by an Indonesian citizen (WNI) named Almas Tsaqibbirru Re A. from Surakarta, Central Java.

In his lawsuit, Almas requested the nomination requirements for presidential election participants at least 40 years old or experienced as regional heads, both at the provincial and district and city levels.

The verdict became controversial because it was considered full of conflicts of interest. Reports from the public who suspected that there was a violation of the constitutional judge's code of ethics in examining and deciding the case then appeared.

Jimly said, as of Monday (30/10), his party had received 18 reports related to alleged violations of the code of ethics of the Constitutional Court judges regarding the decision.

"So now there are 18 reports, two more reports have been added today. Of those 18, there were six issues. Then, there were nine (preported judges); but (the report) was the most important, most importantly, Mr. Anwar Usman at most," said Jimly.