5 Facts About The Case Of A Father And Toddler Died Rotting In Koja

YOGYAKARTA The case of the discovery of a corpse with the initials HR (50) and AQ (20 on Jalan Balai Rakyat Tiga, Tugu Selatan, Koja, North Jakarta, on Saturday, October 28, still leaves many question marks. What caused the father and son to die decaying is still mysterious.

Later, a number of facts began to be revealed after the police conducted an investigation. The following are the facts about the case of a father and toddler who died rotting in Koja which was summarized by VOI, Tuesday, October 31, 2023.

1. Police found wounds on the child's face

North Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Gidion Arif Setyawan revealed the results of the examination of the body of a father with the initials HR and AQ toddler who were found to be rotting at a house in Koja, North Jakarta.

According to Kombes Gidion, there were wounds on the face and forehead of AQ's toddler.

"There are wounds on the face and forehead (but). There are no visible visible injuries," said Kombes Gidion to reporters at the North Jakarta Metro Police, Monday, October 30, 2023.

He added that the police were still conducting more in-depth investigations to determine the cause of death of the baby.

2. There is blood around your father's body

Meanwhile, HR's body did not find any open wounds. However, Gidion said there was blood around HR's body.

"There was blood around the body, but no open wounds were found," explained the North Jakarta Metro Police Chief.

3. The mortality distance of father and toddler is not the same

Based on Kombes Gidion, HR's body has been lying at his house for 10 days. Meanwhile, his son, who is still a toddler, AQ, has been dead for three days since he was found on Saturday, October 28, 2023.

"The autopsy results are only the age of death of the victim's father for about 10 days. Meanwhile, the child died for three days," said Gidion.

4. When the body was found, there was his wife and eldest child in the house

A number of residents of Jalan Balai Rakyat Tiga, Tugu Selatan, Koja, North Jakarta admitted that since two weeks before they were found, 2 rotting bodies, HR and AQ, had smelled a foul smell from the victim's house.

This was conveyed by one of the residents named Bambang. He admitted that he smelled an unpleasant odor when passing through the victim's house.

"If (the smell) is a 2-week animal carcass. How come this is not lost (the smell)," said Bambang at the scene, Monday, October 30.

Bambang, who was suspicious of the unpleasant smell, called Bhabinsa and the head of the local RT to check at the crime scene (TKP).

Arriving at the location, it turned out that the door to the victim's house was tightly locked. Action was forced by breaking into the victim's house.

"Looked at his house, the doors were not opened. After Bhabinsa, the insiatif ordered him to break down, break it down. When he was broken down, his wife was in the living room," he said.

In addition, HR's eldest son was also found who was still alive. Both are now undergoing intensive treatment at the Kramatjati Police Hospital, East Jakarta.

"I don't know the reason yet (why didn't report it), because his wife was sick. Currently, he is immediately being treated. Then, the old child is also being treated," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the North Jakarta Metro Police AKBP Iverson Manossoh, Saturday, October 28, 2023.

5. You had time to admit to being sick

Before being found dead rotting with his child who was still a toddler, HR admitted that he was not feeling well.

This was conveyed by Fitra, one of the traders who was selling beside the victim's house.

Fitra said that before Hamka was found dead, he admitted that he had had a chance to talk with the victim.

In her conversation, Hamka admitted that she was not feeling well. The reason is because the weather is quite hot so that his body becomes sick.

"I don't see a date. That's also his position when he was sick. I asked, 'Sir Hamka, how come he's so weak?'. 'Yes, I'm sick, I'm not feeling well,' said Fitra when met at the location, Monday, October 30.

After talking and buying cakes, Fitra said Hamka immediately went into the house.

After the meeting, Fitra admitted that he had never met any of the families. He thought they were leaving, because the family's background was the owner of Umrah travel.

"Since then, I thought I left the person. Yes, I didn't think about him at home. It turned out to be dead (Pak Hamka)," he said.

This is information about the fact that the father and toddler case were rotting to death in Koja. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.