Expansion Overseas, LPH PTSI Audit Halal Certification 10 Industry In China

JAKARTA - PT Surveyor Indonesia has expanded its business in the halal certification business to foreign countries, such as China and South Korea. In fact, the PTSI Halal Examining Agency (LPH) has conducted an audit of halal certification for 10 industries in China.

PTSI President Director M Haris Witjaksono said his company already has a permit to audit halal certification abroad. That way, PTSI LPH can check various business scales, both micro, small, medium to large levels at home and abroad.

The permit is contained in the decision of the Halal Product Guarantee Agency (BPJPH) as of March 15, 2023. This decision increases the status of PTSI LPH to become the main national and international LPH.

"We have been able to accredit as the main halal appraiser from BPJPH, from there, so we can also carry out the audit process outside not only inside. We have run (audit) in several companies to China," he said when met at Graha Surveyor Indonesia, Jakarta, Monday, October 30.

Furthermore, Haris said there are 10 industries that are currently in the process of auditing halal certification in China. He said, the majority of industries are related to food.

"Mostly (products) eat yes. We have approximately 10 industries that we have audited, verified, then we are in the fatwa commission process for certificate issuance," he said.

Not only China, Haris said that his party is also exploring cooperation with other countries to conduct an audit of halal certification, namely South Korea.

"Right now we are working together for those in South Korea," he said.

Currently, said Haris, the two countries are the main priorities of PTSI LPH. The reason is, the largest imports of food and beverages come from the two countries. Haris also guessed that halal certification is a mandatory requirement for entrepreneurs in the two countries to enter the Indonesian market.

"The target is that next October is mandatory and it will be part of the preparation of producers from outside to be able to enter here. They are starting from now on, they have prepared themselves," he said.

According to Haris, acceleration of halal certification can also be done with different schemes. Haris said, BPJPH also implemented a mutual recognition agreement scheme or MRA with a number of countries.

"Automatically when a country's certification has been implemented, they can enter directly without our need. That's part of the process of accelerating halal products entering Indonesia," he explained.