Drug Courier Arrested At Pontianak Airport, Hide Methamphetamine At Anus

PONTIANAK - West Kalimantan Province BNN officers managed to arrest a drug courier who tried to smuggle three packages of methamphetamine weighing 1 ounce inside his anus. The suspect was arrested at Supadio Airport, Pontianak when he was about to fly to Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan. Head of the West Kalimantan BNN, Brigadier General Pol Sumirat, explained that the disclosure of this case began with a public report regarding the smuggling of methamphetamine by RN and JN. The narcotics will be taken out of West Kalimantan. "The smuggling of 119.9 grams of narcotics occurred at Supadio Airport. Two people with the initials RN and JN have been secured at the airport after the security and search was carried out. Initially, narcotics carried out by the perpetrators were not found," said Sumirat in his statement, Thursday 19 October.Sumirat explained that because the movements of these two people were suspicious and unusual, the joint officers finally took them to the Medika Jaya Hospital for further examination. "The X-ray results at the hospital reveal three packages of methamphetamine that were in the RN perpetrator's rectum," he explained. Based on these findings, BNN then secured these two suspects and carried out initial interrogation. Both admitted that the narcotics were obtained from someone with the initials AH. "Our allegation is that they got these narcotics from someone and we have secured AH in one of the hotels in Pontianak," he said. The three drug dealers are now at the headquarters of the West Kalimantan BNNP and will be further interrogated. The apparatus will develop and explore the origin of this illicit item, as well as the purpose of this allegedly structured drug trafficking. "The perpetrators could be punished with imprisonment ranging from five years, 20 years, lifetime, to the death penalty," he said.

Sumirat explained that this is not the first time the disclosure of drug trafficking cases by air. BNN has succeeded in uncovering drug criminals who use various modes to trick airport officials. "But this is the first time we have uncovered the mode of hiding methamphetamine in the anus," he added.